Monday, February 9, 2009

Gonna Give This a Shot

So something possessed me just now to start a blog....I've considered it before, but I know how lazy I can be and I figured that I would never be able to keep up with it. So maybe I won't have any followers and it really won't matter whether I keep up with it.

I guess my purpose in starting this blog is to chronicle my latest journey. Not only am I the mother of a beautiful almost-three-year-old boy, and the wife to a wonderful husband, but I am also now a Person with Thyroid Cancer. I'm not sure yet what that means, but I'm guessing I will find out over the course of the next several months. What was a complete shock on January 19th (when I found out about the cancer) is now becoming just part of my life. How quickly things change! We went from planning on TTC in January, to planning where I'll stay when I need to be isolated from my son after radioactive iodine therapy (RAI). I'm confident that I will be just fine once the rest of my thyroid is removed (on March 18) and the RAI kills off whatever thyroid tissue remains after my surgery. I'm not confident, however, that I'll be able to manage the next 3 months or so without seriously losing it. I've never been away from my little boy overnight...he's not yet 3 years old and I have no idea how to explain Mommy's absence from him (even though I am a Child Life Specialist and explain medical procedures to children for a living). And now the reality is setting in - we have to wait a year after RAI to start trying again for another baby. My son will be 4 before we can even try again. I had not even been ready to *think* about another child until....probably October of 2008, when my son was almost two and a half. I was really ready....we were waiting for my thyroid levels to get to a point where it would be safe to TTC, and I was almost there. We were expecting to be ready in January....and then I found out that I have thyroid cancer. Now, we have to wait until May of 2010 to even start trying again. Is that ironic? I don't even know.

Anyway, I really am not sure I'm cut out for blogging as I feel like this post doesn't even have a point anymore. :) I'll try to keep up with this to chronicle my journey. I'm hoping that this changes me for the better.